Dorte Phillip

‍Hovedpinespecialist og neurolog (PhD, speciallæge) hos Hemi


Hovedpine og ansigtssmerter

Akut neurologi

Blodpropper i hjernen


2017: Speciallæge i Neurologi

2016: Ph.D, Københavns Universitet, Dansk Hovedpine Center

1996-2004: Medicin studiet, Københavns Universitet


2021: Afdelingslæge - Hovedpineklinikken på Neurologisk afd Bispebjerg Hospital


- Hoveduddannelse i neurologi

- Neurologisk afd Hillerød Hospital

- Neurologisk afd Rigshospitalet

- Neurologisk afd Bispebjerg Hospital

- Neurofysiologisk afd Rigshospitalet

- Neurokirurgisk afd Rigshospitalet

- Psykiatrisk afd Hillerød/Helsingør

2008-2012: Klinisk assistent - Dansk Hovedpinecenter, Glostrup hospital

2007-2008: Klinisk assistent - Neurofysiologisk afd, Glostrup Hospital

2006-2007: Introstilling i neurologi - Neurologisk afd, Glostrup Hospital

2004-2006: Turnus

​​- Almen praksis, St Merløse

- Medicinsk akut visitations afsnit Holbæk Hospital

- Ortopædkirurgisk afd Holbæk Hospital


  • PhD: Cerebral autoregulation in cerebrovascular disease measured by near infrared spectroscopy. Februar 2016. Phillip D, Schytz HW, Selb J, Payne S, Iversen H, Skovgaard L, Boas D & Ashina M.
  • Low frequency oscillations in cephalic vessels assessed by near infrared spectroscopy. Eur J Clin Invest 2012. Phillip D, Iversen HK, Schytz HW, Selb J, Boas DA, Ashina M.
  • Altered low frequency oscillations of cortical vessels in patients with cerebrovascular occlusive disease – a NIRS study. Front.Neurol., December 2013. Phillip D, Schytz HW, Iversen HK, Selb J, Boas DA, Ashina M.
  • Spontaneous low frequency oscillations in acute ischemic stroke – a near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) study. Neurol Neurophysiol, Oct 2014. Phillip D, Lyngberg AC & Jensen R. Assessment of headache diagnosis. A
  • comparative population study of a clinical interview with a diagnostic headache
  • diary. Cephalalgia 2007. Schytz HW, Hansson A, Phillip D, Selb J, Boas D, Iversen H & Ashina M.
  • Spontaneous Low-Frequency Oscillations in Cerebral Vessels: Applications in Carotid Artery Disease and Ischemic Stroke. JStrokeCerebrovasDis 2010. Schytz HW, Hansen JM, Phillip D, Selb J, Boas D & Ashina M.
  • Nitric Oxide Modulation of Low-Frequency Oscillations in Cortical Vessels in FHM – a NIRS Study. Headache 2012. R Cooper, J Selb, L Gagnon, D Phillip, H Schytz, M Ashina, D Boas.
  • A Systematic Comparison of Motion Artifact Correction Techniques for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Front Neurosci Oct 2012.